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Counter Token not working in Watermark



  • FirstName LastName

    To add numbered watermarks to your proofs in Capture One Pro 23, select "Text" as the kind of watermark and choose the token "3-Digit Counter" in the Export window. Make sure the "Layer" option is set to "On" and adjust the size and position of the watermark as desired. When you export the images, the watermark should appear with the numbered counter.


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  • Keith Spurlock

    Thank you for your reply.  I've done all that except for the "Layers" option.  I do not see that option anywhere in the Export window.  Where is it located and how to I enable it?

    Thanks :-)


  • Tomasz Wajsprych

    Hi, I've also have the same problem, counter don't work and I see only "EmptyName" on every exported picture. I also don't see any "layer" option to enable. 

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I think the post with the mention of the Layer option is a spurious spam post - I see that it now has had a spam link added to it.


  • Chris Henry

    This is still a problem for me. Can anyone help?


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