Optional naming protocols during tethered shooting
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Whether we have a particular naming protocol in place, or would just like to use the camera-generated filenames to maintain continuity, we lose these options during tethered shooting when C1 names images by default.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? Earlier today.
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I spend a lot of extra time renaming later. (And there's a lot of room for confusion and replication. One typo or a missed sequence can screw up batches and batches, wasting more of my time trying to identify and straighten out how things should really be named.)
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Official comment
Sadly, the filenames Capture One gets from the cameras do not match the internal naming/counting scheme observed in-camera. As such, it is impossible for Capture One to automatically match the internal counter of the camera, when the count is not provided.
However, Capture One has powerful tools for Next Capture Naming, including a huge selection of tokens, the possibility for resetting and dictating where a counter starts etc.
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