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Capt One Express



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    The installer file you download is the same for all versions - which version it works as depends on the licence code. I don't know whether the Express version is still available though.


  • FirstName LastName

    Thanks Ian,

    For reference, I downloaded the full version (trial), and checked the licence agreement. There is no mention of the app reverting to express at the end of the trial. I also looked at deactivating the temporary licence, but again no mention of it switching to the express version.

    I have to assume that this option has been withdrawn. It would have been helpful if Capture One had made it clear. Looks like I'm sticking with my current software.

  • FirstName LastName


    Ignore my previous comment. I deactivated the trial licence, rebooted C One, and it directed me to the website to obtain the free licence. It's up and running now in express mode. A bit of a convoluted route but I got there in the end!


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