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Capture One 23 is losing number ratings



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Do you perhaps have some other app that also adds ratings (for instance Photo Mechanic)?

    If so, you might need to look at the settings for how metadata is synced. 

    See this item on the Image section of Capture One settings.

    The option I have checked means that if some other app has put a rating in a sidecar file, and you then set a different rating in Capture one, then if you were to sync the metadata, Capture One would change the rating to what the sidecar file says. (It does nothing for me the way it is set at the moment, because the Sync setting says None. But if yours says something different, it might get changed.)


  • Sarah Jessup

    Thank you Ian! I think a change it that setting worked, although I don't have another app adding ratings that I know of. So far, so good.



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