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Moving changes between machines and archive




  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    If you always use a session instead of a catalog, would this work for you? You can move (or better copy) the CaptureOne/Settingsx.x.x folder (basically the .cos and the .comask files) between computers. 

    If you use version 15.2 (maybe 15.3 but not later) then the .cos files will even have the correct file system "modified date" if you change an image settings. (Later versions of C1 (idefinately 15.4) introduced a naughty bug on WIndows at least which always updates the modified date when you just look at the folder in a C1 session).

    I support your request though to synchronize adjustments between catalog and file system (catalog settings from and to .cos and comask files), if that is a solution for your workflow.

  • David Cullen

    I have used sessions for some tethered photo-shoots, but don't find them convenient for long term archiving, so prefer to use a single catalog as I want to be able to use the filters to find particular shots that would not have been taken within a single session. I use a directory structure on the NAS that is based on dates, so I can easily import all the photos from 2020 into a catalog and then filter for the 5 star, red photos from that year. I did attempt to keep one full catalog on the NAS for that purpose, but found it too difficult to keep it up-to-date with any adjustments. Having two catalogs, one on the laptop and one on the desktop, already provides enough danger of accidentally overwriting edits and having a third main catalog just made the situation worse. I guess what I would really like is something similar to a source code control system, where you can checkin/checkout changes to a central place and the local copy would know if it was up-to-date with that central repository. I could implement that myself based on something like git, if you supply the mechanism for syncing adjustements between catalog and file sytem. That would allow me to keep track of versions of adjustments, so I could tag a set of adjustments at the moment I deliver some photos, then make further changes, knowing I can always revert to the original adjustments if somebody asks for additional tweaks based on the original versions!

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Hi David, I am an ordinary user/customer of C1 so unfortunately it is out of my realm to provide a git-like version control in C1.

    I did attempt to keep one full catalog on the NAS for that purpose, but found it too difficult to keep it up-to-date with any adjustments. Having two catalogs, one on the laptop and one on the desktop, already provides enough danger of accidentally overwriting edits and having a third main catalog just made the situation worse.

    Maybe it is helpful for you to know that you can use a catalog to search for the images you want to edit and then pass them (precisely: the references to these images) to a session. Just create an empty album in the session and drag&drop the thumbnails from the catalog browser to that session's album.

    Then you can use the session to edit them and the edits will be stored in the cos and comask files directly. You only have to copy them over back to your NAS (it is all in the CaptureOne/Settingsxxx folder).

    However, the modification date of these files can be important if you are working on multiple machines concurrently. And yes, it is still dangerous...

  • Jack W

    Hi David Cullen - I have edited your post so that it aligns with the provided template. Hope that's ok! Just something to keep in mind for the future :) thanks a lot for the feedback.


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