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AI ​​denoise and AI auto masking



  • Denis Huk

    added "AI ​​denoise and AI auto masking" to the post title

  • Andy Miller

    I would strongly support similar deep learning or even AI based masking tools to be added to Capture One, like they have to LR/LRC -- it is a HUGE timesaver -- and NO the current tools are not adequate if one does not have a team of retouchers or a lot of time.
    AND yes it would be good if one could have the tool mask the subject make some adjustments (typically edges, crossed legs etc) and then duplicate and invert iont a new layer. The intersect tool in masking is powerful as well. 
    I want this for wildlife and landscapes/arch - so please don't just focus on humans. Being able to select and mask the sky, sea, subjects (human, animal, vehicle/aircraft etc) with one button press -- that must be the goal -- The trick is accuracy with speed and then flexibility. Ifm Capture One can do the 95% job and we only need to look at the gaps and edges then Capture One will have delivered a real timesaving.
    No I am not seeking the cloud based Neural filters (pixel replacing or morphing tools) that now infest Ps -- while I am sure these will come at some point -- we do need to do our job and work with subjects to obtain what we need from them.

  • FirstName LastName

    Wake me up when this happens and I will move from Lr to C1
    This is the thing that is holding me back and I do believe I am not alone.


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