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Calibrite ColorChecker / Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo support



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    You need to create a custom ICC profile using a .tif file. Lightroom uses DCP profiles made from DNG files. The custom ICC profiling is a rather convoluted process, but there are several videos on youtube that demonstrate how to do it.  

    Capture One does not have an integrated ICC profiler. 

  • NoWah Bel Air

    I have done this multiple time and different ways but my black do not come out correct and the colors are still off and all the contrast is gone. 

  • Aarron Anderson

    This still happens to me too. Contrast is terrible and blacks are very off. The target is shot in the best conditions, no obstructions, even Soft lighting, EV’d with a lightmeter, and even spot metered on the grey neutral target as a backup.

  • Laura

    Dear Capture One.

    What an amazing product you have with this one gap for use and support. While I hunt and peck and swear and wish the DataColor Spyder-Checkr were in fact supported, I'll figure it out the slow way. Sigh.


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