Edit with always opens a windows dialogue asking "How do you want to open this file"
On the latest update to CO v23 for windows after I select edit with Photoshop 23 ( previously any other version) and click Edit variant I now get a windows dialogue box "How do you want to open this file". PS is highlighted and I check always use this app, however, the next time I want to round trip the same dialogue appears. It never used to.
I have followed all the internet suggestions and also from Windows tech. No joy.
This ONLY happens with Capture One
Any help would be much appreciated.
That's a Windows dialogue box rather than C1. Have you tried ticking the "Always use this app to open Tif files" check box?
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Yes I have ticked the check box each time. I know it is a windows dialogue box, however, as I posted it only happens with Capture One and I have tried everything the internet has to offer and also Windows tech support has to offer. I was hoping someone within the Capture One community or support had an answer
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I'm having the same issue - and it looks like a bunch of other folks have experienced the same over 3+ years now. This seems like a C1 bug.
For me, the .psd extension is registered as the default app in Windows for handling these extensions, and no other application asks for the default app when opening .psd files.
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