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dead forum and community?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    denis chi

    I think you'll find that a lot of people get their questions answered here. I try to make a response if I know the answer to something and can help, but I don't attempt to answer questions I know nothing about. 

    Do you have a particular question that you have not had any answers to?

    (And as well as this forum, you may find help from some Facebook groups about Capture One too.)


  • Jack W

    denis chi This is a user-to-user forum. Sometimes things can go unanswered, but that's simply because people might not know the answer.

    You can always contact support if you need help and haven't received it from the forum.

    Or, let us know in a comment what your issue is. Making a post like this is unlikely to garner helpful responses.


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