Speed Edit without using Hot Keys
When carrying out Speed Edit on multiple photos you have to remember the Hot Keys, e.g. Q for Exposure or whatever you have assigned it in the menu.
I always forget what Hot Key I have assigned to what function.
I believe there should be an option to select multiple photos and just use the sliders in the Tools interface.
At the current version when you select multiple photos and move the slider it only adjusts the first photo in the selection. Why can't it adjust all photos in the selection?
This makes things easier as you don't need to a) remember the Hot Keys b) don't need to look in the Edit Keyboard shortcuts in the Menu, c) use some other form of reminders, e.g. stickers, etc.
Would this be possible?
Hi kitmin lee!
What you describe about editing multiple selected images is expected behavior, you can copy and apply adjustments from the primary variant to other selected variants.
Be sure to check the following tutorial and Help Center article:
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Moving this to Beginners questions.
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