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Ability to stack styles in the iPhone app




  • Evi K
    Product Manager

    Hey Ekkehard Schwartz! Thanks for the feedback, it makes total sense. Would you like to share a few words about your workflow and the type of photography you are into?

  • Ekkehard Schwartz

    Hi Evi, regarding workflow I use both a non-mobile and mobile workflow. For the mobile workflow I import RAW images from the digital camera directly into the Capture One iPhone app, do all editing in the phone and export the images as JPEGS for sharing/submitting. The RAW files are stored separately. I also shoot in Apple Pro RAW and import the images from the iPhones camera roll for editing. In some cases I would use the Capture One Cloud to transfer images to Capture One Pro for advanced editing, depending on the type of editing needed. Other features I am missing are the ”Auto adjustments” as in the iPad (mostly because mobile phone screens are not color calibrated) and ”Curves” / ”Levels”, feature requests on these will follow. Regarding type of photography I shoot mostly landscape and street.

  • Evi K
    Product Manager

    Thanks Ekkehard Schwartz! that's super helpful!


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