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HEIF 10 bit support from Fuji



  • Chris Barker

    I have just bought a Fujifilm X-T5 and was pleased to see that Capture One Pro supported HEIF – until, that is, I tried to import a HEIF file to Capture One Pro.  The file is visible on MacOS Finder, can be imported to several photo applications, such as Graphic Converter, GIMP and Affinity Photo 2, but not to Capture One Pro.

  • Luigi Cavalieri

    Want to receive official information from Capture One if and when support for 10bit HEIF ( Capture One Pro) for Fuji becomes available with buy or subscription of latest version of Capture One

  • Malcolm Raggett

    I support this request. 10-bit files have an advantage over 8-bit JPEGs in allowing lossless compression and more significant manipulation/editing. Quite a few other programmes support the import of 10-bit HEIF files including Lightroom. Capture One is way behind the times on this.


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