RGB-L Histogram of only the pixels of selected Mask
What problem do you see this solving?
I understand your four levels (see help "about histograms") of histograms, these are great and useful, nevertheless I'm missing a fifth one:
The histogram specifically of only the selected pixels of a given selected level (as an optional histogram).
Such to better identify what I'm doing on the mask, and not having it merged into the full image histogram data.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
This is particularly useful if you mask covers a small fraction of the full image, then the adjustment effects, only viewed on the full image quality, does not always give you the details to see of you are clipping or overdoing it, here a histogram of the pixels you act on should help controlling your adjustments in more details.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
I have not found any workarounds, I just spend a lot of time switching the mask on and off, and travelling the mouse pointer over my masked pixels to look at the L-RGB levels.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Yes certainly, but I hope it's clear and I do not believe this is a major development task to have it working rapidly on CO1 ;)
I'm running CO1 23/6.2.2 up to date on a Win 11 PC, also up to date ;) Sincerely Ivar
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