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Leica Q/Q2/Q3 crop modes



  • Leon Droby

    Capture One in this instance works the same way it does with Fujifilm raw files.  Once imported into CO, the software ignores the aspect ratio the image was taken with.  This only happens with the raw file; the jpg shows the correct aspect ratio.

    We've asked CO to display the taken aspect ratio for years.  I've heard no reply and it hasn't changed.  Not sure why though, seems like it wouldn't be too difficult of a change.

  • Deed Goetz

    No interest? I have been using C1 since version 3.7 when they had "soft-sharpening" as a feature which was way better than Rawshooter Essentials rough treatment of files.

    I now use in equal measure a Q2 so a bit disappointed that C1 - as a premium converter - cannot do this.


  • Denis Huk

    Hey Deed Goetz!

    Thank you for your time and for directly contributing towards the development of Capture One.

    Please read the pinned post and use the feature request template provided.

    You can edit your post by clicking the "gear" icon on your post and then selecting "edit".

    I understand that rules and guidelines are annoying, but it has to be this way in order to make the requests and feedback usable by our Product Management team, and to ensure that you get the response you deserve.

    We greatly appreciate it.

  • Goreti Lima

    I found i workaround for this issue installing a script. It works!



  • Denis Huk

    Goreti Lima thanks for sharing this!

  • Deed Goetz

    This is for MAC only? So nothing from Capture One itself on that front, right? No interest?


  • Denis Huk

    Deed Goetz scripting is a macOS only thing, yes.

    And have nothing to say about native support for now, but there is a feature request in the Improve Capture One topic, please be sure to upvote it if you are interested!

  • william Schreiner

    I wish capture one would get this feature. Are there software packages? I have introduced this long time ago. It is very annoying and seems like it would be a simple fix on their part.

  • Peter Ekström

    Today almost all mirrorless cameras allow the user to shoot with different aspect rations. This allow the photographer to carefully compose  and preview the image in the camera. But when imported to C1 all that is gone! I just do not understand why? Or is C1 only made for studio and portrait work?
    This request is not only for Leica cameras. 


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