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Creating and editing metadata presets for exporting JPGs



  • Rob D

    ...presets that are only used during the export process? Or would you wish to save the presets in the image metadata and then use the data as part of the jpg output?

    My goal is to have a preset of such COPYRIGHT metadata as:

    • ownership
    • notice
    • email address
    • website URL

    This preset is to be used only as part of JPG export/output recipe. BTW, is there a difference (at least in C1) between export and output of photos?

    From your previous comment, I understand that preset could only be deleted. If I need to modify a preset, I need to create a new one and delete the old one (or keep it as well). Is that correct?

  • Rob D

    Thanks a lot. That just about covers my question.

  • Rob D

    Hey, Martin, I see what you mean, thank you...


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