Trial version booting up on a shoot.
Wonder if anyone else has had this happen, on a location yesterday went to open capture and it just went to a webpage saying welcome to capture one and start your journey, thought I'd hit a wrong key, closed and started again, same thing, this is from quick start bar bottom of page, when to windows icon tried from there again the same, the only way i could get it to work was clicking the trail version, which was on the webpage, then came up with a big buy in 30days sign, don't think it impressed my client but at least it worked, today back at studio on same laptop, fired up, no welcome to capture messages but my licence key has Trial next to it, I'm now just worried the same thing will happen again when I'm on location. please cold anyone help. thank you. ray
Is it possible that you have new type of permanent license, yet your software updated itself to the version you don't have license for? A glitch from former versions, that were allowed to be updated for longer?
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