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Remember Tether "Save to" setting



  • Ed White

    Fully agree. Really important for people to have a solid/constant method to write files to two locations for back up purposes without having to constantly check or update settings.

  • Christian González García

    Totally agree. We need it.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter


    A viable workaround would be switching to a Sony camera - we have in-camera settings for that.


  • Christian González García

    I have to say that in Lightroom this is automatic, the pics are saved on (both) cards as well as in the computer, what I think is the right thing.

  • Raymond Harrison

    Both Adobe and Capture One either need to reverse engineer camera controls or have help from the manufacturer for exposing the right interface commands to control the cameras. You can't just treat a card in the camera as a "dumb" hard disk. Lightroom doesn't always allow simultaneous write to card either - it depends on the manufacturer and the specific camera. Both companies do it differently too and they both have different relationships with the manufacturers. Capture One wouldn't be able to ask Adobe what they do, for example (obviously). Adobe supports a much smaller number of manufacturers and bodies than Capture One so maybe they have some "secret sauce" that works better with them, who knows? (Only Adobe)

    Capture One can lobby Canon for the right controls or firmware update as an output of this request and/or Capture One can devote cycles to reverse engineering (not sure if it's all Canon bodies or just a subset), both valid outcomes, but it would also help for users to lobby Canon directly, I would think. Just a thought and I have no position on this request (though I get the need and desire for it). 

  • Marco Ehrmann

    Thank you very much for your answers! Well, i thought that it shouldn't be that difficult for my layman's understanding to link the settings to the serial number of the camera. After all, these are all settings that you can already make and don't have to be laboriously found out via reverse engineering.

    That's exactly how i would like it to be for the default naming of file names when tethering. I use sessions instead of catalogues for my customers. By default, it's the session name and the camera counter. I then always set the template I created: my own 3-digit counter and then the session name. It would be great to overwrite the default setting. I know it's just a matter of convenience, but in the heat of the moment I forget to do this from time to time.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    There is a separate thread for retaining naming schemes.

  • Raymond Harrison

    And it looks like this is now the default in 16.3.2. Give it a try.


  • Christian González García

    Now works perfect for me! How fast Capture One!

    Thanks for the explanations. 


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