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Own votes should be visible on Community posts




  • Official comment
    Isak V.

    Marcin Mrzygłocki Thank you for your valuable feedback. I believe this is an important feature of any forum and so it has now been fixed, you should be able to properly see your upvotes!

  • JoJu

    You're right, Marcin, but clicking a third time it's upvoting again. I learnt to keep a sharp eye on the number and if it moves the wrong direction, I keep on continuous click fire until it surrenders. Will teach it a lesson .... :D

    Edit: Interesting: After upvoting your post, the overview only shows your vote, even after refresh.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Yeah, there is also a lag with votes sometimes appearing after some time only. Caching issues?

    JoJu, I suppose that Your mileage and experience with this community is considerable, so you know such tidbits - new people could simply click&run without noticing, that vote count actually decreased, which would be detrimental.

  • JoJu

    Marcin Mrzygłocki I have to disappoint you, my mileage and experience here is just few weeks old. I didn't know about the up- and downward voting here, I just saw it in L-mount rumors by accident and tried it here.

    It's more a problem for new people to forget to vote for their own suggestion, you can see some posts with 0 votes which is a bit of a shame, as there's work and time involved. But the highest vote number is just around 100, so I'm wondering a bit if all other users are super happy with everything.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    I would say, that most people grind their teeth and go on either using workarounds or just spending more time on tasks that would seem trivial otherwise. After months/years by being annoyed by various hiccups and eccentricities I was finally SENT here by being told that my bug report is more of a feature request and I should post it in Community... Which was still delayed by several weeks, as getting to know the forum and already posted suggestions took several hours of reading and polishing my first posts; this is a noticeable cost of entry. It's not lowered at all by how primitive the interface is, which does not even remember such basic settings like sorting by recent activity - I had to bookmark the link and enter Community with the options set explicitly in the address...

    One item that is pending as I try to guess whether this is a bug or feature request: text fields in panels or search don't take "extended unicode" pastes, but it's possible to type the same text directly into the field. Typing yes, but not copy-pasting... Try with something like "sample job name ①/②。 for Monday".

    Another requirement comes from rather technical language and structure, that seems hard to follow even for some of the brave folks that manage to "get inside", though this part is not avoidable - if we wish for something, the most effective approach would be to advertise our desires in the form that could be directly copied to product manager's notes as a viable idea for a future backlog item.

  • Boris Tomsic

    I noticed once or twice that when I voted for something the number went down instead of up, so I figured I must've already voted for it, which it recognised by my being logged-in, and so I just clicked it again to reinstate my vote.
    It's as simple as that.

  • JoJu

    Marcin Mrzygłocki

    I find your posts very understandable. Others, including some of mine, were clearly written in the "heat of the moment", when a bug happened repeatedly and / or usability tried to tell me "we implemted this feature, but we didn't promise ease of use". Maybe this forum is sort of a "let off steam" place. So users stop bothering or place their anger somewhere else, like yelling into a sandbag.

    As to bug or missing feature: that depends. A software sold/licensed only in US might not be expected to deal with extented character sets. But here in Europe some characters are essential in languages. And based in Køpmannæhafn, I'm kind of expecting them to respect the special characters and treat them accordingly. 

    Like you, I also get the message "album name invalid" although everywhere else in MacOS I can use the charcaters in question. I can confirm that copypasting is more bothersome. Or using character replacement rules (function of  MacOS) like typing o and / results in ø or m4/3 results in µ4/3 (as this is the official system name), x* gives a × and so on. Some of these replacements are not working in C1, only everywhere else. In Windows, I know and use some ALT+xxx combinations but I prefer the systemwide replacement rules of MacOS.

    A bug for sure is the fact that after "creating a new album" the dialogue box sometimes appears with preselected "new album" and I can start typing. Irregularly the "new album" is not highlighted and the cursor is placed somewhere inbetween. Again, the app is wasting my time - no other app has this kind of problems on my Mac. That's bothering when creating more than a few new albums. "New AKøpmannæhafnlbum" is even complicated to correct.

  • JoJu

     It's not lowered at all by how primitive the interface is, which does not even remember such basic settings like sorting by recent activity - I had to bookmark the link and enter Community with the options set explicitly in the address...

    I made a new discovery: Clicking on your name (or alias) opens a page where I can find all your posts. And now you have the first follower :)))

    I took the liberty to get rid of the stupid dark grey, Jack W said 3 weeks ago he's working on it, but meanwhile I believe, mods have sort of secret code language, like "working on it". Don't want to interprete, sometimes their feelings gets easily hurt.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Nice, thanks.

    JoJu commented:

    Like you, I also get the message "album name invalid"

    To be clear, I did not run into an invalid name, I think, I just can't copy and paste text containing certain characters and have them retained on paste - I have to type them manually in the correct places.

    I have checked now and there is another old problem with text fields - copying text causes crash. For real, I can't even copy text safely within C1P... There will be more reports to be written, more posts, oh crab.

  • Jack W

    JoJu Being a moderator in here is about 5% of my job – providing users with an option to switch the color of the interface is not an easy change to make. Especially when we don't own the platform that we use.

    "Don't want to interprete, sometimes their feelings gets easily hurt"

    At risk of extreme irony, statements like this are really unhelpful and not what I want to see on the forum. My ears and eyes are always open, but let's be fair to one another. 

  • JoJu

    Jack, as user I have limited insights into your workload, your timeshare and hundreds of more things.

    But a sentence like "I'm working on it" is present tense continous (=ongoing), not future and implies kind of priority. And you did use that sentence 3 weeks ago. You don't have to explain how big that amount of work is, but if you don't give sort of a timeframe, the outcome "nothing is happening, because I can't see an improvement" is no difference to "nothing is happeing because Zendesk is on holidays and I need to write a 500 page manual". I can't give you a good solution for the need of discretion and the transparent information. But you know better than us users how much unfinished work is in the pipeline and I expect some understanding when after a while I'm tempted to make an ironic comment. "Extreme irony"? Sorry, this time it's you without an idea how large the scale of irony on my side can get. And that was rather soft. ;)

    Btw. why are there no smilies here? They also could relax the tense atmosphere a bit.

    I don't want to insult you and with "feelings get hurt easily" I was referring to a sentence of Denis Huk from yesterday or before.

    As takeaway for you mods: Just consider the user feelings also a bit. Some of us invested quite a bit of time here - and also some money into our licenses. Don't want to thread anybody, but a bit of consideration where salaries come from, is helpful.

  • Jack W

    JoJu I don't expect the ability to change the color of the interface to happen any time soon and maybe that's what I should have said from the beginning.

    The "extreme irony" came from the fact your comment about hurt feelings, actually kind of got to me, because that's not the tone of conversation I want people to be having on here. Feelings and emotions are what photographers are all about and I would hate for that to be weaponized in any way – but it's clear that we've simply had a misunderstanding.

    My salary comes from people like yourself, and many many others who I do not get the opportunity to speak to and interact with. I will never forget that and I think you and I probably have more in common than we think.

    Again, sorry for the confusion and also to Marcin Mrzygłocki for derailing his thread.




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