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  • Matthew Connor

    The latest release notes state that the currently supported macOS versions are: macOS 11, macOS 12, macOS 13 (macOS 13 builds up to 13.5).

    In short update to Sonoma at your own risk as Capture One may not be able to offer support if you have problems.

    From memory, In previous years it's been a month or so before major macOS releases were officially supported, that being said, last year my Mac auto-updated before CaptureOne officially supported Ventura and it worked OK once on the latest available Capture One update. 


  • Tom Barta

    It would be very helpful to hear if anyone on an M2 is having success under Sonoma using the current CO (or any problems!!).

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    No trouble so far on M1, presumably the same for M2.

  • Richard Allen

    Installed on my M2 and no problems, very pleased

  • Christo Crocker

    Can anyone confirm that tether capture works on Sonoma? Apple really bawked that on an update once.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Christo Crocker - the trouble is, even if it works for someone else, it may not work for you, as everyone's system is a bit different. There seems to me to be no compelling reason to install Sonoma straight away - I've just looked at its new features, and they are hardly vital, I thought. 

    Safer to wait until Capture One say they support it.


  • Christo Crocker

    yeah but I want dynamic wallpapers 😔

  • Alistair Kennedy

    Capture One is not exporting properly. There are either some files or no files exported to my desktop even though it says they all were. True of all jpeg, tiff, etc etc 


  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Exporting, both tiff and jpg, works as expected here (M1).

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Which all serves to prove my point that it may work OK for some and not for others so it's sensible to wait.


  • John Horner

    More interesting to a lot of users will be “will it be compatible with legacy versions of Capture One, i.e. Capture One 22, 21, etc?”

  • Rasmus Munch Overgaard

    I have just updated my Mac Mini 2023 M2 to MacOS Sonoma 14.0. I use Capture One Pro 21 and I am sorry to say, that it does not work. Capture One Pro 21 now says: "This image is in an unsupported file format". This is for all my pictures in the catalog - both JPG and Canon RAW files.

  • Arnim Vogel

    I am also trying Capture One 22 on Mac mini 2023 M2: It crashes upon start:

    Process:               Capture One 22 [12172]
    Version:      (
    Code Type:             ARM-64 (Native)

    Crashed Thread:        0  UI  Dispatch queue:


  • Brian Jordan

    The problem with being on the bleeding edge is that sometimes you bleed.

  • Tuomo Kokkonen

    When exporting from C23 the files become invisible. This problem appeared when I updated my Mac to Sonoma.

    Very annoying :-(

  • Brian Jordan

    Tuomo Kokkonen How can you be annoyed when Capture One hasn't said the current version is compatible with Sonoma?  Those OS compatibility lists are there for a reason.

    You comment feels equivalent to being irritated that your flight didn't serve a meal when you were never told you'd receive a meal.

  • Tuomo Kokkonen

    Thanks for the kind support Brian Jordan! For you to know, C1 is a tool for me. If a tool does not work, it is annoying. I guess for you C1 only about being unpolite in internet.

    Maybe look for Adobe from now on... I still have Lr membership plan active  :-) 

  • Brian Jordan

    Tuomo Kokkonen I'm not sure I understand.  This is a community forum.  We're all users here.  Support is offered via the Request Support link above.  We've talked extensively in this thread and at least one other about the dangers of upgrading to Sonoma before Capture One updates their support document to note that it's now a supported OS.  Over on the Lightroom forums there's quite a few users having the same issues as Adobe, as of a few hours ago at least, has not updated LRC to support Sonoma.  Many LRC users who upgraded early can't even open catalogs if posts there are to be believed.  I love a new OS as much as the next guy but no way I'll upgrade a production machine that my workflow depends on until all critical software on that machine has issued support documents for that new OS.  Even still, I'll only upgrade when I have some downtime to work through any potential issues.

    Do forgive if you read that as impolite.  Certainly not intended that way.

  • Chas54

    Take the point about early adoption. Anyway in response to Alistair, I discovered that, bizarrely, Capture One has taken to exporting files as “hidden” - shift/command/. will reveal them.

  • Christo Crocker

    LOL photography forums have their own flavour of indignation.

  • Brian Jordan


    That is really weird.  Got to be some process failing.  Interesting they'd create hidden files before making them visible to Finder.

    Last week's email mentioned 'new tools and features...coming soon'.  My bet is that update will also bake in Sonoma.

  • Alistair Kennedy

    So I just spent 40 minutes with AppleCare. The jpg files which I exported from Capture One to my Desktop are now visible permanently because Apple gave me a command to put into Terminal now opening all invisible files on my Desktop. 

    The default position for Sonoma is hidden apparently. 


  • Roon

    @Alistair Kennedy
    Sonoma introduced a few new features, one is that when you click on the desktop all open applications are temporarily swept aside, another new feature (and I guess that is what you encountered) not to show anything on the desktop. This kind of behavior can be toggled in the preferences.

    This is not related to jpg, all files on your desktop can be hidden, kinda like Windows 11 can do.



  • Christo Crocker

    So when be C1 saying they support?

    I want desktop widgets. It's imperative for my mental health.

  • Brian Jordan

    Already said. Fair warning, though. Looks like people are having issues exporting to folders (including desktop) that are tagged to iCloud.

  • Christo Crocker

    Ah so I looked at the release notes for the latest update 16.2.5 (release notes updated 2 days ago) and it says... 

    Apple Macintosh minimum requirements

    • macOS 11, macOS 12, macOS 13 (up to 13.5), macOS 14 (up to 14.0)


    so I guess C1 say they support it? Brian Jordan Ian Wilson

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Yes, they announced this a couple of days ago.


  • Joe Montalto

    Exporting is all messed up. Says it exports and then it's not there.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Joe Montalto - is this to do with the issue involving iCloud? Head over to the known bugs section of the forum and read the thread there about it. 


  • Joe Montalto

    Awesome thank you so much.


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