Each photo in session has 7 previews
In a session with large number of photos each photo in the first part has 7 previews. Please check screen capture attached.
Try the following: goto menu File>Verify Catalog or Session, and choose the session file.
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It did not correct the problem but made worse. Now there are 17 identical previews. I made a screen capture (4 MB) for you to show it but you have stupid limit of 2 MB for uploading photos.
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This is a job for tech support, not the user forum. I suggest opening a support ticket. Click Request Support at top right. Part way down the screen you’ll see a text box. Select the appropriate option in that text box and the support request form will open.
Pleas post back here after this is resolved so that others who may encounter this issue can benefit.
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I thought that this is support, not a user forum. I don't know how this is visible also in user forum. Capture One with it's licence policy and support makes me crazy. I do not recommend it to anyone anymore. Adobe has a friendly customer service.
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Community forum. Says so right at the top of the page where you enter. Users here try to help one another where we can. Capture One tech support is available at the Request Support link at the top of every page.
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The link to support at the top of the page seems to be gone, but support is available. You have to click either of the icons in the upper right and select submit a request from the dropdown. This is the only way to do it. Capture One has no other links to support on its web site, like one that says "Support."
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Using Chrome (Win) the link is still there, in Firefox I see the icon.
EDIT: Not true. If the browser window is big enough I see the links, if it is small I see the icon.
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Yup, that is the problem. While the widow is plenty wide enough to display the text in the link to support, it needs to be even wider to show it. Same in Safari. I think this could be fixed by having an icon with an arrow or >> symbol indicating there is more to be seen if the window is made wider, as Apple does with its apps.
I posted this in the Community Feedback section, so perhaps the Zendesk staff can fix it.
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If your browser window isn't wide enough to show the link, click the hamburger icon, top right in your screenshot.
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True. The hamburger icon is a modern/less literal way of indicating that there is more not on the page. I completely missed this. I liked the old >> icon Apple uses.
With a few clicks you can get to the link for "I have a technical question," below the self help options, which may obviate trivial questions that really don't require staff input.
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