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Complain, lack of communication



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Elio Ruscetta

    (1) you have complained about what you see as inadequate support in another thread - no real need to do it twice.

    (2) You could have raised your issue about exporting more than one image on the forums here and you would have been given the simple answer. You need to make sure that Edit All Selected Variants is checked on the image menu.

    ... or there is a toolbar button for it.

    I leave this option turned on nearly all the time.


  • Elio Ruscetta

    Sorry that doesn't solve my issue....because that is check and I still have the same problem..

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Then explain in more detail exactly what you are doing and we will see whether we can work out what is causing the problem.


  • Elio Ruscetta

    Ian as explained is very simple. I am trying to export the images and open them in Photoshop and it doesn't do it.

    I was trying to upload a screen video recording on your platform help center and it doesn't load..That's why people you need a lice chat like Adobe. If you have a problem they get inside the laptop and fix it for you....super simple people.

    No, we have to spent a day or more trying to explain a simple issue. moreover if this happens during a shoot, impossible to solve the problem right away...


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    So do you mean that it doesn't open them all in Photoshop? Or it doesn't even create more than one TIFF 9or whatever format you are using)? If you just create TIFFs (without trying to put them straight into Photoshop) does it successfully create more than one? (In other words, is it a problem with all exporting, or is it just a problem with sending them into Photoshop?)


  • Theodore Chorianopoulos

    Hello Elio Ruscetta ,

    I hope you are doing well.

    The only ticket i can find created by you to Capture One support, is one ticket that was resolved by our colleague Victor, and you were happy about getting a nice response and your other ticket is the one that Jack created for you. No other tickets from your side. Perhaps you can send us the ticket numbers that we have not replied to so we are aware why someone didn't respond to those.


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