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Marking all images in the selects folder that do not have a title - how?



  • Eric Valk

    This should do it

    BTW you will find Applescript (for CaptureOne) a lot easier if you use Script Debugger and refer to the DIctionary window, and use the "Explore" tab

    use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
    use scripting additions

    tell application "Capture One 23" to tell (every variant whose content headline is "")
        set nameList to name
        set positionList to position
        set ExtensionList to extension of parent image
    end tell

    set theCount to count of nameList

    set theList to {}
    repeat with var_ptr from 1 to theCount
        set thePointer to contents of var_ptr
        set theString to (nameList's item thePointer) & "." & (ExtensionList's item thePointer) & "[" & (positionList's item thePointer) & "]" & return
        copy theString to end of theList
    end repeat
    log theList
  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Eric Valk .. would this set a color label for each variant identified? That seems to be the request.

    use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later 
    use scripting additions

    tell application "Capture One 23" to tell (every variant whose content headline is "")
    set color tag to 5 -- blue
    end tell
  • Eric Valk


    I think your suggestion is best, except that you don'r need the "end tell" line,  as thid can be written as a one line Tell command.

    tell application "Capture One 23" to tell (every variant whose content headline is "") to set color tag to 5

    The complementary command may also be useful after entering titles, to remove the color tag

    tell application "Capture One 23" to tell (every variant whose content headline is not "") to set color tag to 0





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