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Failed to move image.



  • Hello Zsolt

    do you want to move the image or you want to delete it?
    if you want to change the order of an image, first i believe you have to create a collection and the you will be able.
    if you want to delete the photo, check by resetting the software. also if you rate the photos you like, on the left colum, there is a section with you tell Capture One to only show you the photos with rating 1,2,3,4 or 5.
    that will hide automatically all other photos.

    hope this help.


    Fotógrafo publicidad, moda y retrato en Ciudad de México. Georgie Uris

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    What system? Is your mouse/keyboard not doubleclicking? What is the exact order and speed of actions - is there nothing going on in the background?


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