MacOS / Using symlinks in recipes
I am using Capture One on two different MacOS machines having slightly different folder structures. Therefore I have two sets of recipes which reflects this structure especially in regard to the "Output" location.
To reduce this complexity, I now want to make a recipe working on both machines. I first thought I can use the "Export Cross Recipe Tokens" for this, but I also thought that using an alias would be a solution: Simply have a common alias on both machines for the export folder would do the trick.
So I created a symlink / alias for my export folder. But when selecting the alias in the folder picker, Capture One always resolves the alias back to the original path - so this would not work for me.
And when I manually change the output location in the XML using the alias, the recipe shows the "correct" name, but the export fails with an error ("The output folder could not be created").
So - am I doing something wrong?
Not to offend but is there a reason you cannot use the same folder structure on both machines? Might that be simpler? Are you using any tokens in your export recipes? Would those be helpful?
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Hi Walter,
no offence taken :-)
And yes, sure - having the same structure would be a workaround. But only on the machines where my user name is the same. But I also have a third a machine with another user name and at least there this workaround would fail.
But coming from a former live of a software developer, also under Unix, I wonder why the symlink/alias is not working. Because this is one of the reasons to use them: Make physical locations of files / directories transparent to the user.
But I will look again in the Cross Recipe tokens again, they might be of help.
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Hi Walter,
just figured it out: When using the Cross Recipe token, this seems to work.
So I set the Cross Recipe token "Subfolder" to the path on my local machine to export folder. And I add, since I use the "Job Name" attribute for an image to distinguish between different shoots, the corresponding token for the job also to that path ("Users/Oliver/PathOnMachineOne/[JobName]")
Then I only need to set for each recipe the "Folder" attribute to "/" (aka root) and the subfolder to "[Subfolder]/jpg_full" ("jpg_full" as one example)
And with that I can use the recipes on all machines, only have to set the "Cross Recipe subfolder" token once per machine :-)
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Nice. I also use the Recipe Name token in each recipe to guarantee each output file is deposited into a subfolder for the recipe that created it.
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