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MacOS / Using symlinks in recipes



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Not to offend but is there a reason you cannot use the same folder structure on both machines? Might that be simpler? Are you using any tokens in your export recipes? Would those be helpful?

  • Oliver Flöricke

    Hi Walter,

    no offence taken :-)

    And yes, sure - having the same structure would be a workaround. But only on the machines where my user name is the same. But I also have a third a machine with another user name and at least there this workaround would fail.

    But coming from a former live of a software developer, also under Unix, I wonder why the symlink/alias is not working. Because this is one of the reasons to use them: Make physical locations of files / directories transparent to the user. 

    But I will look again in the Cross Recipe tokens again, they might be of help. 


  • Oliver Flöricke

    Hi Walter,

    just figured it out: When using the Cross Recipe token, this seems to work.

    So I set the Cross Recipe token "Subfolder" to the path on my local machine to export folder. And I add, since I use the "Job Name" attribute for an image to distinguish between different shoots, the corresponding token for the job also to that path ("Users/Oliver/PathOnMachineOne/[JobName]")

    Then I only need to set for each recipe the "Folder" attribute to "/" (aka root) and the subfolder to "[Subfolder]/jpg_full" ("jpg_full" as one example)

    And with that I can use the recipes on all machines, only have to set the "Cross Recipe subfolder" token once per machine :-)


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Nice. I also use the Recipe Name token in each recipe to guarantee each output file is deposited into a subfolder for the recipe that created it.


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