Tethering - allow to change default for Save To
ImplementedWhat problem do you see this solving?
Current default for tethering Save To is Capture One. I would like to be able to change this to my Camera's card and Capture One (CFe+Capture One). The reason I want to be able to have this as a selectable default is whenever I am shooting tethered I need to select my preferred Save To option, every time the camera is disconnected from the lap top I need to reset my selection. I am an architectural photographer and am on location all day shooting multiple views, each time I need to remember to select the Save To location. It is not uncommon for the cable to disconnect and reconnect without my knowledge or an assistant may reconnect the camera without resetting our preferred settings. The result is only shooting to the lap top when I believe I am shooting back ups to my camera s well.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Everytime I shoot tethered to Capture One.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
AS I can not trust that I am capturing to two locations while shooting tethered in C1 I now use Canon Utility for tethering and set my capture folder in C1
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
I think this is already listed. Please search the forum, and comment and upvote that post.
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I posted this exact same question. Is there a solution? I want to have CFe+Capture One be the default
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