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From Capture One to the Printer



  • Jeff Stoyanov

    I would like to see that too!

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Printing in Capture One

  • Jerry C

    Nice run through of the essentials. When I click print, a print dialog comes up and often the ICC profile is not the same as I set in Capture One's print dialog, so you do have to make sure both the printers driver and the Capture One print dialog agree. 

    The tricky part of printing is to get the proof to actually look like the print. This is complicated even when the display is accurately calibrated, in part because reflected light on the print is hard to accurately predict from a transmitted light image. Another oddity is that printer managed prints may be a bit different from Capture One managed prints. When I print on Canon paper using my Canon Pro 100, the color profile seems accurate when I allow the printer to manage the color, but very slightly shifted toward the green when I select the ICC profile within Capture One.

    Proof prints are essential. 



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