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[Win] Q key not selecting healing brush



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    You could go to Edit Keyboard shortcuts in the Edit menu and check whether Q is set to do that. If it isn't, you can set it.


  • Den Denyer

    Yes I checked there, I also rebound it to another key (N) which works fine, however when the key is rebound to Q (and I checked for conflicts, too) it does not work.

    I suspect Q is conflicting perhaps with the SpeedEdit keys, however the logs don't throw up anything revealing. Does Q for healing brush work on your system?

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Den Denyer


    Speed Edits require long press (press-n-hold) vs Q key for switching to heal tool. Are you using the default keyboard map or a custom keyboard map?

    Try switching to the default keyboard map and see if keys work as expected. If so, perhaps the custom keyboard map is corrupt.

  • Den Denyer

    Ooh, good shout on the defaults, I tried remapping but didn't think to switch back to the default keyset to check!
    The default set works fine, so now the question is - how did my custom set become "Corrupt" and how to I remedy it - I'm really not endeared to the suggestion that I go through the summary printout line by line recreating my keybinds...?

    According to the UI there are no other keys bound to Q, but obviously *something* is tripping it over.

  • Den Denyer

    I picked through the keylist printout, and I have a bind no longer shown by the keybind UI for "Corresponding Points" lurking in there, perhaps a legacy echo from C1 v7/8 - I suspect that's the culprit!

    Thanks for the reminder to check the defaults, I guess I'll have to work through the printout and rebind a new set in the morning.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Look for your custom key map in the app prefs folder. If it's a text file you might be able to remedy this by editing the text file vs rebuilding a custom map. Make a backup copy!


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