Capture One can't read Adobe deNoiseAI DNG files since 1.6 to 1.7 update
ImplementedThis is a known issue where DNG files can't be read by Capture One after using Adobe deNoiseAI with the 1.6 and 1.7 updates. However, there is a workaround for the meantime:
To get AI DeNoise DNGs to work with 16.3.x it requires using Photoshop's ACR, it is not possible with Lightroom due to this issue.
From Photoshop ACR, you can save a DNG set compatibility to DNG 1.6, and enable Uncompressed. It is unknown if both settings need to be enabled for this to work:
Official comment
The latest version of our software, Capture One 16.3.4, is now available for download. the reported issue has been fixed in this new release.
You can download the latest Capture One 16.3.4 here and view the release notes here.
If you experience any difficulty after running this update, then please let us know.
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