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Use of the same tool but different effects on different layers - bug?



  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    Yes and opacity and luma range are full/set to to maximum. And the histogram still shows the difference. :|

  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    1. Adjustment

    I'm setting saturation of blue to maximum in basic color editor

    2. Image when adjustment is applied only to the "Image Layer"
    3. Image when adjustment is applied only to the "Adjustment layer" with a completely filled mask (I clicked "Fill Mask" after I had created it).

    As you can see, there's a difference between histograms. And I've just noticed that the hue is also different.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Please show also the layers and masks, if there are no other layers for example.

  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    That's how the mask looks like when I use "Adjustment layer", if that's what you mean.


  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    The reason for differences in sharpness and clarity is that I cut printscreens diffrently. When I'm looking at JPGs on my computer they look the same in terms of sharpness and clarity.

    In my opinion if adjustment layer is fully filled it should work like background layer. Or if some parts of the photo are fully masked. I think I'll report it as a bug.

  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    John, that's exactly the case. In order to be sure, that I don't mess something up, I adjusted only one colour in differents tests/photos. And now I see really crazy results. Sometimes saturation is stronger on a picture with adjustment layer, sometimes weaker. But every time the colours are different in general.

    Is it bothering me? Hmm, in some cases not that much, but sometimes it can be a problem. I mean, at least I'd like to understand the reason, if it isn't a bug.

  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    I don't think that there's anything wrong with my system or monitor. The difference is visible in histogram, therefore I believe it's a bug in Capture One or intended beahaviour that we don't understand. Nontheless you can download EIP file - it contains two variants of one photo. Difference in histogram is really big. And you will notice differences in color immediately. This time I set saturation of orange to maximum (in basic color editor).

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I think that the problem is specifically with the colour editor tool.

    I downloaded your file and had a go with it.

    This is the result of an increase in the orange channel saturation in the basic colour editor tab (as you did) - variant (1) is done to the image layer, and in variant (2) the identical adjustment has been moved to an adjustment layer. As well as the visual differences, I see different colour readouts.

    However, I then tried using different tools. I reset all the adjustments on the image, then made adjustments instead with the shadows slider and the Luma curve. In variant (5) shown here, these are on the Image layer, but in variant (6) they have been moved to a filled adjustment layer. 

    Now the two adjusted images are the same. (Again, see the colour readouts.)

    So I conclude that it's something to do with the colour editor tool. I tried a similar thing on the advanced colour editor instead, making some fairly subtle adjustments like this.

    The result is again a bit of a difference depending on whether it is on the Image layer or an adjustment layer.

    So it's the whole colour editor tool that is the issue not just the basic tab.




  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    Ian, thank you that you verified it on your own. I've already reported it as a bug. We'll see what Capture One says.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    And did it appear to you to be a problem just with the Colour Editor?


  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki

    I made one test few minutes ago and there's a slight difference between two variants after adjusting contrast, brightness and shadows. So at least in my case it looks like it isn't only about colour editor.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Color Balance (except the Master Color Balance) and the Black & White tool converts to Adobe RGB 1998 (if memory serves). Same for local Color Edits.

    Note, 'local' means in a layer. This might also be true for other tools, who knows.

    This quote is part of a reply from C1 for a bug report of mine (related to Color Editor tool not reflecting in histogram, color readouts and highlight warning, when "no proof profile" is set).

    What does that mean:

    Not all tools work in the same color space (preferably an internal big space), and the processing pipeline in C1 utilizes color space conversions (with AdobeRGB not being a very big space). Color space conversions are known to have detrimental effects (e.g. quantization errors), so this (for me new) information is not a good one.

    This might also explain your observations for the tools you tested.

  • Krzysztof Suchowiecki


    I was informed today that the bug had been initially checked and was sent to RnD team for further analysis.


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