How to set up Burst Mode in Capture One?
Rather than pushing and holding the shutter button on the camera, can I use Capture one to direct the camera to go into burst mode so that it has a consistent time between captures? Right now, if I use continuous High+/High/Medium/Low it seems to group exposures into clusters. And I have to keep tapping the trigger in Capture one. The result is a quick group of exposures, a break, a quick group, a break, a break, a quick group and so on (like morse code). Is there any way to set the number of exposures or create a smoother operation for this feature that I'm not aware of? I'm shooting these frames for stopmotion.
I asked this 2 years ago and got no response. Ultimately I believe I purchased remotes for the Sony camera so I could trigger it without touching the camera itself, but seriously, is there a way to set this up in C1 so you can select the number of frames you want to capture, or duration? What are best practices with C1 and burst mode?
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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