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Can I Re-Order Session Favorites In A Different Order e.g. Alphabetical



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    I am not aware of any way to change the order of Session Favorites other than by the order in which you add them. This is where an archive catalog helps. Once a session is done you add it to an archive catalog of all sessions. You then can search across all your archives for those "best of" images or images that have a common theme like location, client, event type, etc.

  • Roland Geuze

    Hello Peter - I am a Windows user. I can click on the Session Favorites folder - press right mouse button - "Sort albums and favorites by name" . Or click favorite and move. Greetings Roland

  • peter riding

    Thanks Walter and Roland. I am bang up to date on Windows 11 on a powerful Alienware laptop but I am not getting a right mouse option on the Session Favorites folder in the Libraries Tab. Oh well.

  • Roland Geuze

  • Roland Geuze

    Hello Peter - I also have this function in Windows 11 - I can't currently explain why it doesn't work for you. Greetings Roland

  • peter riding

    I've tried switching the workspace to default and also tried using the mousepad on the laptop rather than my separate Logitech bluetooth mouse but to no effect. Thanks anyway.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Roland .. try right-clicking ONE of the session favorites or user collections and see if the sort option then appears.

  • Roland Geuze

    Hello Walter - Sorting option is displayed on both - but when I click on a favorite - I get additional options e.g. Show in Explorer or set as recording folder.... Greetings Roland

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I don't tend to use session favourites. But if you right click on the Session Favorites title, you get a context menu including "Sort albums and favorites by name". (On a Mac.) Doesn't that work? It seems to have worked on my Albums.


  • peter riding

    If I right click on an individual Favorite folder I do get a greyed out "Sort albums and favorites by name" in the popup as seen in the attached JPEG.

    However this option cannot become live as I cannot select multiple Favorites simultaneously and there is no right click pop-up option at all when trying to use the master Session Favorites folder


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