Can I Re-Order Session Favorites In A Different Order e.g. Alphabetical
Hi, I am making around 100 Session Favorites. The reason is that I am accessing several hundred individual archived client folders saved on several external hard drives and I want to be able to select a handful of files from each client folder and do the File > Export > Originals procedure to duplicate these files complete with the "Include Adjustments" into a number of different Session Favorite folders (which are named by subject matter) held in one internal SSD hard drive - if you see what I mean :- )
It is laborious to then find and use any particular folder via the main Library rather than through a Session Favorites folder.
So far so good and I see from the online manual that there is no upper limit for numbers of Session Favorites.
However, there appears to be no way to re-order Session Favorites, these are in the order from oldest to newest created. I cannot re-order by drag and drop or alphabetical etc.
Any ideas, thanks.
I am not aware of any way to change the order of Session Favorites other than by the order in which you add them. This is where an archive catalog helps. Once a session is done you add it to an archive catalog of all sessions. You then can search across all your archives for those "best of" images or images that have a common theme like location, client, event type, etc.
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Hello Peter - I am a Windows user. I can click on the Session Favorites folder - press right mouse button - "Sort albums and favorites by name" . Or click favorite and move. Greetings Roland
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Thanks Walter and Roland. I am bang up to date on Windows 11 on a powerful Alienware laptop but I am not getting a right mouse option on the Session Favorites folder in the Libraries Tab. Oh well.
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Hello Peter - I also have this function in Windows 11 - I can't currently explain why it doesn't work for you. Greetings Roland
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I've tried switching the workspace to default and also tried using the mousepad on the laptop rather than my separate Logitech bluetooth mouse but to no effect. Thanks anyway.
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Roland .. try right-clicking ONE of the session favorites or user collections and see if the sort option then appears.
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Hello Walter - Sorting option is displayed on both - but when I click on a favorite - I get additional options e.g. Show in Explorer or set as recording folder.... Greetings Roland
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I don't tend to use session favourites. But if you right click on the Session Favorites title, you get a context menu including "Sort albums and favorites by name". (On a Mac.) Doesn't that work? It seems to have worked on my Albums.
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If I right click on an individual Favorite folder I do get a greyed out "Sort albums and favorites by name" in the popup as seen in the attached JPEG.
However this option cannot become live as I cannot select multiple Favorites simultaneously and there is no right click pop-up option at all when trying to use the master Session Favorites folder
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