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"Resource Hub" Popup Window



  • Roger Whitfield

    Hello Thomas.  I had this happen for a while, but now it's gone.

    What's the background history of your new installation, and what version is it?  Were there any previous versions in situ when you installed - and if so, did any remain afterwards or were any overwritten? 

    I have a hunch that my issue was due to a version conflict.  Any way, all is good now with a single new installation of on Windows 11.


  • Thomas Mangelsdorf

    Hi Roger...

    Thanks for the reply.  This occurred on a brand new C1 installation on a brand new disk with a clean install of Windows 10. It was using C1 version Even though there was no previous version to conflict with my installation, maybe I'll try upgrading to the version just to see if that might solve the problem.

    I appreciate learning from you that it might be a version related issue.


  • Roger Whitfield

    Oh dear! It's all a bit of a minefield. 

    I find that C1 is somewhat finely bred, and can be a bit temperamental.  But it's a very sweet image processor, so I do my best to hang onto it.  When all's going well, I get good results very quickly.


  • Roger Whitfield

    Did you fix it?  An afterthought:

    During a fresh installation or overwrite, and the app first appears on screen, to the right of the cursor menu top centre you'll see a rotating spokes icon - let this roll until it finally disappears - could be a few minutes - before you perform any actions. 

  • Thomas Mangelsdorf

    Hi Roger...

    Thanks for the follow-up. I haven't had a chance to do anything with this issue so far. My other computer had a hard disk failure, so I've been dealing with that issue. As soon as things settle, I'll try to resolve this issue. I appreciate your help very much.


  • Thomas Mangelsdorf

    Hi Roger...

    Just to close this subject...after fixing my other computer problem, I returned to looking at the issue of the constantly displaying "Resource Hub" window. I turned that computer on this morning (after not using it at all for several days), and started Capture One. The program loaded normally, and I waited, and waited, and waited. Not "Resource Hub" window popped up. I shut down the system entirely and tried again. No popup window.

    I have no idea whatsoever about what "fixed" the issue, but it was nothing that I did. Maybe it's just one of life's little mysteries, but I'm happy it resolved itself. I wish all of life's annoyances were this easy to fix.

    Thanks again for your help.



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