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Suppress Auto-update, activate license silently



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I'm not sure that I completely understand what it is you want. You want Capture One to check for updates, but you don't want it to notify you if there is an update. Perhaps you want it to install updates without asking or telling you? (I know that some of the Adobe products update themselves, though they can only do that if you have Creative Cloud running all the time.) 


  • FirstName LastName

    Hi Ian,

    I do not want old version to automatically check for updates and download and install it or even a notification that newer version is available. Currently the software does check for updates. 

    To suppress auto-update, it must be having setting in some config files/registry. Can you please assist if that can be achieved post installation.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    In that case, I am not quite sure why it doesn't do what you want just by setting check for updates to Never.


  • FirstName LastName

    We are 3rd party patch provider like PatchMyPC or ManageEngine. We are providing similar services to our customers. For more details you may refer We are willing to add Capture One 23 to our catalogue.

    We are looking for the same setting to be achieved silently during deployment and not in GUI, as the deployment would be on multiple machines and making this change through GUI is not feasible.

    Is there any setting which can be done in background so that users should not get any pop-up for update and application should not auto-upgrade as well. 

  • FirstName LastName

    Can you please update on above?


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