Photos in viewfinder
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Today I updated the version of Capture One and the photos in the viewfinder show X in the 4 corners and in the upper and lower central area.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
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This is not a bug. Look under the view menu. Something there is enabled that shows these. I forget its name.
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But I haven't changed any options, I've just updated to the latest version. And I don't see anything about it in the View menu either.
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You're in Composition mode. Turn it off in the Camera menu.
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I don't have any cameras connected and I have never used Overlay in my life. As I say, I've only updated the version.
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Maybe so, but if you have Composition mode enabled you will see those symbols. Check on the Camera menu!
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It could be a bug in the upgrade process, but it is definitely composition mode and can be disabled.
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Good morning, sorry for not answering sooner, but the computer is in the studio and I have not been able to check it until today. Yesterday, as usual, I turned off the computer and today, when I turned it on and started Capture One, the marks were gone. I checked the menu you indicated and now, I didn't see it yesterday, it is deactivated and the marks are gone. I know it's crazy, but it must have been a version update error, because I've never used this Composition Mode before. Thank you all for the answers, if it happens again I know where to look.
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moving this to another topic as this is not a feature request
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