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Create a Session from a Catalogue



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    In your description of the workaround you mention "reimport". Does that mean that you want to create smaller more manageable sessions or catalogues for temporary work and reintegrate that work later back into the catalog? 

    I desire (1) a function in the catalog which creates the typical session files under each folder (the "CaptureOne" folder), i.e. "Settingsxxx" and eventually "Cache", so that I can edit the images with any arbitrary session, and (2) a function in the catalog to sync back the changes made in that session (i..e. reintegrate the changes in .cos, .comask and eventually xmp files).


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Brett Styles

    Can you explain your statement "you need to select each album to upgrade"? A catalog upgrades once. You don't need to select each album in the catalog. Do you mean you need to open each catalog to upgrade it?

    I made a video some years ago that addresses this topic. You can export from a catalog into an existing session. You would need to create each session before you export into it. The process would duplicate the images because you use "Export Originals" and include adjustments, but it works as you want.

    Migrating Images from Catalogs to Sessions in Capture One

  • Brett Styles

    Thanks Walter Rowe the video was very helpful as a workaround to solve the issue.

  • Brett Styles

    Hi BeO, No just want to split the catalog into smaller more managable parts.


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