Search Capability for "File Status"
What problem do you see this solving?
I migrated about 50,000 photos from Aperture to CO. CO is missing time-saving search features Aperture had, such as being able to search on photo "Status", i.e., Original File is Off-line, is On-Line, is Missing, is Managed, is Referenced, etc. For example, many of my older photos are small files and, although Aperture did not complain, CO tags them as "Read Only" with a crossed-out pencil. If CO had a search feature for "Read Only" photos, I could make sure I rescued all these photos from before I finally abandon the ability to run Aperture.
A related topic is CO says very little about why it makes these smaller files "Read Only" and gives only cryptic remarks on how to salvage them. Exporting them to somehow make them CO-compatible is not even allowed! WHY? (And "no" they were not locked before importing).
Also, being able to search on the other file statuses I mentioned above would be great for monitoring the "health" of my CO Catalog (i.e., easy to ID missing files).
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
I've been dealing with this every time for the last year that I look for an older photo and find I previously missed salvaging the photo from Aperture.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
Brute force, i.e., scrolling through 50,000 photos looking for the tiny crossed-pencil tag. Then writing down the photo ID for salvage should I ever get Aperture working again to retrieve the photo that is now useless in CO.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Yes, absolutely!
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