How to reset to default preferences
Capture One 22 has decided to start adding multiple adjustment layers (sometimes 16 of them at a time!). How do I reset to default preferences in CO22? I see instructions on how to do this for other versions but not 22.
BTW, going to Terminal (on a Mac) and typing in "defaults delete com.phaseone.captureone22" yields:
"Domain (com.phaseone.captureone22) not found. Defaults have not been changed."
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How many adjustment layers are added isn't something controlled by Preferences.
Do you mean that if you are using the adjustment tool and click the + button, more than one layer is added?
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I mean that sometimes CO decides to arbitrarily create adjustment layers on it's own. Usually when there is already an adjustment layer present (one that I have created). Very inconsistent. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it adds one additional layer, sometimes it will add as many as possible (up to 16 adjustment layers are allowed). I have been told of work-arounds but I've also been told that resetting defaults may help. Does that make sense?
It seems to be duplicating existing adjustment layers.
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Well, I'm not sure what resetting defaults might entail. If you find that new layers are added spontaneously when you don't even do anything, something very odd is going on. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Your existing work would not be deleted. Make sure you have downloaded the installation file for your current version of Capture One before you do this.
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Regardless, I'd still like to know how to reset to default preferences globally. The instructions for going through Terminal aren't working for me.
"To reset to default preferences in Capture One 22 on a Mac, launch Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/ Copy and paste the following string: 'defaults delete com.captureone.captureone16', then press Enter. There won't be a confirmation, but if something goes wrong, it will notify you. #h_01G79WE25AY49JG28ZPZHSDJ4J.e. #h_01G79WEVZF9DWSH1JD6384KQG7."
I get this response in Terminal: "2024-03-27 11:47:43.238 defaults[13860:924221] Domain (com.captureone.captureone16) not found. Defaults have not been changed."
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