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Moving a catalog with photos to an external SSD (workaround)



  • Jerry C

    Sounds bulletproof as it can get. Some years ago, I moved my entire collection of reference RAW image files to a new larger external drive, but copied them using Finder. Of course Capture One had no idea of where they were until I renamed the new drive with the same name as the old drive. Capture One only checks the drive name and so this worked. Assuming copying from within Capture One works as fast as Finder and you can do without Capture One for a few hours, your way makes more sense. I would not call it a workaround.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Capture One checks more than the drive name. It checks every single file. On macOS the drive name becomes part of the full path to the file.


    This full path is stored in the catalog. Fixing the drive name also forces macOS to rename the mount folder name and thus the full path to the file. THAT makes the catalog happy.

  • Jerry C

    Absolutely correct, of course, Walter. My point was very narrow. If you duplicate the referenced files with finder, mirroring the path structure on a drive recognized by Capture One, as long as the path structure is identical, Capture One will recognize the new drive as if it were the original drive as long as it has the same name as the original drive. 

    I have done this a few times when moving my referenced files to a new larger external drive.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Jerry C @... .. yes we all are correct. the key is keeping the original folder hierarchy. I too have done this many times as I graduated to larger and larger drives.


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