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Capture one won't import photos, says they are duplicates?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Are you sure that the images don't already exist in the catalog, which is what it is telling you? Have you looked in the All Images collection?


  • Miles

    Hi Ian, 

    Thank you very much - I checked  "all images" in my collection, and they didn't appear. But I didn't check the trash, and that's where they were.

    I imported them last night, but as the previews were generating I got a call on the computer, so I deleted the import, but didn't clear the trash.  

    Problem solved - thank you, apologies for a silly question!!

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I don't think you can call it a bug. If it's in the catalog trash, you can drag it out again unless you have emptied the trash. If it let you import it again when it is still in the trash, you could then have two copies of the same image in the catalog.


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    If it's in the Catalog Trash, it's in the catalog. One could argue that Exclude Duplicates is doing the right thing. You might have deliberately moved it to Trash and thus it should be skipped when Exclude Duplicates is enabled.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    A better implementation would tell you WHERE it already exists, not simply skip over it. It could put it in the Event log so you could look for it if you didn't expect a file to be skipped.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    If that were done, you would then want an overlay indicator telling you it represents a hidden item. This gets more and more complicated as it requires more and more attributes. The more complicated, the more room for bugs and errors.

    I prefer it simpler. I know to look in the Trash if something doesn't import when Exclude Duplicates is enabled.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    It is a little different in this case in that the Capture One catalog trash is not the same thing as the system trash. You can send something to the catalog trash, and even empty the catalog trash, and the original file can still be where it was in your file system (depending on the options you chose when you emptied the trash). 



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    @... - I'm not really trying to defend anything. But I suspect that just allowing the image to be imported again could be a recipe for creating more trouble than it solves. For instance, if you have done some editing to an image before inadvertently sending it to the trash, and then you reimport it, would that re-import pick up the previous edits or not? What would happen if you had different edits to two different versions of the image?

    I agree with the comment from Walter Rowe that it would be helpful if the error message could tell you where in the catalog the image already exists, and that, it seems to me, would be a better solution than importing it again.



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