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Workflow suggestion - ideas?


1 comment

  • stuartb

    I am answering my own question and think that I have found a neat solution.

    1 I start with Neofinder files, doing a quick search for, say, a specific band that I want to process.

    2 Move all the files into an album. So far, very similar to Capture One, but I want the final list to remain in Neofinder. Preview them with a similar display to Capture One, marking any candidates a 3 star and the rest as 1. Filter so that only the 3 stars are in view.

    3 Drag the images into Capture One, where it automatically creates a session. Re-label the session under the band name.

    4 Rather than use cull, just work through the images normally as I can then be sure of a sharp browser view. Process each image as normal. If an image is not good enough downgrade it to 1 star.

    5 Export the good images to jpg and upload to Alamy.

    6 For each failed image select it and 'sync metadata'. This creates an XMP sidecar file for that image.

    7 In Neofinder select the batch and select 'embed XMP file back into file'. This does not touch the original image and the RAW files are designed to have metadata embedded.

    I might seem a little long winded, but I this gives me a rapid workflow using the best features of the 2 programs, with the metadata back in the original file and no sidecar files.



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