REMOVE Tool Tab on Viewer
I'm using a multi monitor setup, and one is dedicated to a viewer.
When I move my mouse past an edge, an empty tool tab comes up.
Is there a way to make it so that no tabs are on the viewer at all?
It's "collapsed", but when I mouse over to another monitor it appears and often stays unhidden until I roll over it again.
I know I can move it to the left or right side, but as my main viewer is on my middle of three monitors, there is no side to put it on that I would avoid this happening.
On a Mac you can show/hide the tools with cmd T
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Thank you for the info, but that doesn't work.
There is a tool TAB that is "hidden" until my mouse rolls over it.
I just want a solo viewer that doesn't have ANY tool tabs. . hidden or not
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I've removed all tabs, but it won't let me remove the last one which makes me think I can't have no tabs at all
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AH! Found it. Maybe that's what you were referring to and I misunderstood!
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@Michael Clemensgeometry dash subzero
I also got the unusable error here on my Macbook Pro M2 Max. When I close the app and open it again it takes about 1 minute. Downgraded to 16.3.8.
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