Rückspeicherung von Photoshop
Hallo zusammen,
nach einer Bearbeitung in Photoshop werden die Änderungen nach dem Speichern in Photoshop nicht in C1 angezeigt.
So liegt denn das Problem?
Viele Grüße
When you edit in Photoshop, what format are you editing in? TIFF, etc? When you save in Photoshop, are you saving the same file? Have you tried regenerating the preview in Capture One?
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The edit is done in TIFF, it opens instantly in Photoshop, then after the correction: Saving. And it doesn't come up in C1, like it used to. Automatically.
What do you mean with regenerating the preview?
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Select the TIIF in Capture One, then click Image>Regenerate Previews. Or right-click the thumbnail in the browser, and choose Regenerate Previews from the context menu that comes up.\
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Thank you, whatever it was - no it works again :-)
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