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  • JF

    First off, as a courtesy to those here that may try to help you, please go to your profile in the upper right corner of the screen and give yourself a unique name (something other than FirstName LastName) that allows us to target replies to you and to recognize you in other posts.

    I'd suggest you check in the menu for Adjustments > Configure  Auto Adjustments and make sure that "Remove Dust" is turned off.  If I were to hazard a guess, I would think that C1 thinks some of those stars are sensor dust and the outlines are it showing you which ones its trying to remove.  But, that's just a guess and something to try.

  • FirstName LastName

    I just tried that and nothing changed. The dots are on the image itself and the output jpg

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Are you using a high setting of Clarity in your editing? Might that cause haloing?


  • FirstName LastName

    It seemed that it didn't change anything after removing the clarity but after doing a full reset on the file, it removed the halos

    I added clarity back and it did not create halos. I'll do further tests and come back

    Thank you!

  • FirstName LastName

    My name seems to reset back to "first name" .. I've changed it twice 😮‍💨

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Sometimes haloes are more obvious on smaller versions of an image.

    You can probably find some guidance on line (YouTube videos etc) about editing settings for Astrophotography to get the best results and avoid artefacts. (Apologies if you have already seen that sort of thing. I haven't got into Astro at all.)


  • FirstName LastName

    I've been watching all the videos online for the tools as well.

    I used the same settings on the astrophotography video the was uploaded by capture one

    Thank you for the help Ian!


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