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File Recovery - overwritten files



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    With a session, you have not lost a great deal if the session database file is unusable. The most important stuff - the images themselves, and your edits - are not stored in the session database. There's no real need even to "import' the files to the session - you can just navigate in the Library tool to the folders where they image files are, and if all is well you should see the image files.

    But the question is whether the "recovered" files are truly intact. I wondered whether perhaps they weren't because you say that Adobe Bridge won't open them. However, I checked whether it would support IIQ files from the IQ4, and I see that their website says "**S14 and S14+ raw compression modes are unsupported." I don't know whether that applies to your files.

    What happens you 

    • create a new empty session 
    • copy (outside of Capture One) a file or two from the recovered files into the Capture folder of the session. 

    Does the image show up there or not?


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    I made this video a while ago that demonstrates how to recover a corrupt session.


  • Lee Runion


    thanks for the input, 

    We tried that with no success 

    We are going to try to take the drive to a recovery service because the received files look a little different than the original.  It's almost like we need to reconnect some basic IQ info?

    We used disk drill to recover the files and it found them all they just will not import.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Even when recovery software identifies a file's storage info and the blocks on disk where the file's data was stored that doesn't guarantee that the data it finds there now is from that original file.


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