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Restarting at same photo after a break



  • Abbott Schindler

    What version of C1 are you running? I'm still on and on both of my machines, C1 continues to do as it has for at least years: it remembers the last image viewed in each collection and goes to it when I select the collection. That applies for Recents, Albums, and so on.

  • Peter Hanmore

    I'm on the latest version 16.4.5.xxxx but this behaviour has been present in the last couple versions for me.
    I just opened C1 again now and it started up with a photo I had exported 2 or 3 days ago (on of the last photos in the catalog) instead of the last photo I viewed (I'm about halfway through culling 5000 photos in the catalog).

    Do you have XMP sidecar syncing enabled?  I have it turned off.  Wondering if that might influence things.


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