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Image exported with slightly changed colours (NOT a JPEG artefact)



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Not related to your current problem, but the camera profile is an "input" profile and afaik should not be used as an output profile. What exactly do you do to archive your images?

  • Fabrizio Giudici (stoppingdown)

    This is an question related to my archival workflow (about which I don't have a definitive picture yet — pun intended). So the answer must be put in context.

    Short answer: because I consider those “archival” files as something that could undergo a slight, further processing, so I'd like to minimise processing.

    Long answer, with context (which explains the previous statement): I've created a separated thread about archival files, as it's a topic that I've been thinking of discussing here for a long time:


  • Fabrizio Giudici (stoppingdown)

    Might it be related to a side-effect of sharpening?


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