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⚠️ Please note that this topic or post has been archived. The information contained here may no longer be accurate or up-to-date. ⚠️

La Session a été enregistrée avec une version de Capture One plus récente et ne peut pas être lue avec cette version.


1 comment

  • Mister Tolley

    Others may be able to comment, but I believe that if you made a session in 16.3, and opened that session in 16.5 then C1 should have made a backup of the 16.3 session somewhere named as: yourfilename.cossesiondb.backup. I think that simply renaming that backup - (leave off the .backup suffix) should allow that session to be reopened in 16.3. I'd make a copy of the backup file before doing anything to it (!).

    I don't use catalogs, but I'd guess something similar happens there.


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