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Online photo storage and C1 integration



  • Hoggy
    Would be nice.. That would be one of the main things for people to switch from LR to C1, IMO. That, and the DAM features becoming more evolved. i.e. 'Publish Collections'

    It's importance to me personally would be relatively "up there".. I rarely have a need to export("process recipe") photos anymore due to that. (not being a pro)
  • Narq
    You can do something simlar yourself with process recipes, and

    Export 1080px sRGB jpegs to a folder in Dropbox, or other supported cloud storage.
    Log into IFTTT and create a recipie to upload a new image to the online service you like (flickr, 500px, facebook, twitter, etc).

    e.g. If new picture in "Dropbox/public/500px" then upload to 500px. This will upload your images, 15 at a time.

    Hope this helps.
  • Christwo
    hi Narq

    Exactly what I do but it appears the amount it actually uploads at a time seems to vary each time. This week 26 went up out of 38. Is the number based on IFTTT, 500px or what?
  • mlflix
    You can set any folder to a Dropbox, Google or whichever cloud app uses a synced Desktop folder. That way you can access the images via those services. For example, I have Flickr automatically upload any jpegs I find. Usually I'll also back up my Selects to a cloud service just to have a temporary back up while I'm still using that Session. I then upload Tiffs to another service.

    But yeah it would rock if CO had more cloud integration. A photo editing mobile app would be amazing as well but I understand it's not really the market they are going for. Still would an amazing app if it could edit photos like in C1. One can dream!

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