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Brush Tool enhancements



  • Frank Depping

    I support this request
  • IanW
    This is something I posted a long time ago. Good to find others of the same opinion. Add me to the yes vote on this one.


  • William Middleton
    This idea may not help to smooth uneven portions within masks, but I use it to smooth out hard edges of masks..

    I make the brush very large and very soft. I go over the edge of my mask keeping the edge within the outer and inner rings of the brush tool. So, the edge of the mask is treated to only portion of the brush that varies from 100% application to 0%.

    If I want some oddly shaped gradient mask, I also use an impractically huge brush. Almost too large for the screen and for any other application, but great for custom grad masks.
  • MP
    Aperture's Brushes are vastly superior to Capture One, which is why I'm not moving away from Aperture. Did Feather ever make it to CP1?
  • Jan Thol

    Hey guys,

    I have a problem with Capture One 20 and my Wacom Intuos Pro M. As described by Neonsquare in No. 2) I cannot find the option to use pen pressure for opacity instead of size when using the brush tool to mask. I find the changing brush size by pressing harder or softer very confusing and useless to use. Does anyone know if the option was added? I could not find it and I really need that option to selectivly edit landscape images.

    I know this is a very old thread but it is exactly what I was searching for.

    System: Windows 10 Pro & Capture One 20



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