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Drag and drop into Session



  • OddS.
    NNN636506900752863370 wrote:
    ...Can I then drag and drop directly into C1 and into my session folder?

    If I understand your question, the answer is yes.

    I use Photo Mechanic on a Windows PC to ingest directly to a folder structure
    "root_path\<session_name>\Capture" or more often to a dated sub folder thereof, as in
    "root_path\<session_name>\Capture\2018-01-18_image_folder_name" .

    Most often I use PM to create "root path\session_name\Capture\2018-01-18_image_folder_name" before I create that session "session_name"in Capture One. C1 then adds sibling session folders (Output, Selects, Trash), the file sessionname.cosessiondb and the cache folders CaptureOne when/where needed.

    I can add new images any time I want, using PM's ingest/copy or other method, including drag and drop. I see no difference whether C1 creates the Capture folder (with sibling folders and sessionname.cosessiondb) first or not, but C1 must of course do the New Session job before I get to work in C1. I can keep adding image files after C1 has created the session. Let me know if you need more details. Once I learned how forgiving the C1 session mode is, I have had no worries dealing with image files in the Capture sub structure.
  • cdc
    Yes you can drag and drop, in fact that is the only way I import session photos other than shooting tethered, I do not use the import function. I'll often make a folder named import within the Capture folder of the session, then within CO move the files where they need to go but you could just as well do all of that outside of the program.

    Any folder you click on using the Library tool in Capture One will automatically start building previews and the compatible photos in that folder will start populating. You'll notice in finder/explorer that Capture One has created a folder named "CaptureOne" in each folder you go to in the session. These folders contain the preview/settings information.
  • Simon Carlton
    That's great, thank you for your help.

    I shoot Premier League football (soccer).

    My plan is to set up a folder for a match, say, Bournemouth v Arsenal, ingest into that folder using Photomechanic, then drag and drop into C1, so they go into a sub folder withinn the Bournemouth v Arsenal folder for editing. I can than export and have them open up in Photomechanic to caption and wire.

    Thanks, looks like it could be on. 😀
  • KlaasNorg
    I am a professional autosport photographer and was designing a new workflow for PM and C1.

    It can be done so much quicker if you make your session ready before you even go to the event. I make use of the Description to let C1 make smart albums.

    Take a look at my workflow for a racing event:

    It is in Dutch, but if you follow my mouse I think you will understand what is going on.
  • Simon Carlton
    KlaasNorg wrote:
    I am a professional autosport photographer and was designing a new workflow for PM and C1.

    It can be done so much quicker if you make your session ready before you even go to the event. I make use of the Description to let C1 make smart albums.

    Take a look at my workflow for a racing event:

    It is in Dutch, but if you follow my mouse I think you will understand what is going on.

    Thanks Klaas, I've got to about 13 minutes and picked up some good ideas. I do need it in English unfortunately to get the most out of it. I can't understand what is happening with all the session albums.

    I need to get my images (Premier League football) ingested, edited, captioned and wired as quickly as possible, in just a couple of minutes. I might only ingest ten images in one hit, maybe a goal, a goal celebration or red card.

    I can't find out how to set up a template either.

    Thanks again
  • KlaasNorg
    I want to do the tutorials in English. But it isn't my native language so it is a bit hard to do without feeling ashamed.

    I understand your hurry to get the images out. We are working for 25 drivers, 5 teams and sponsors like Red Bull. After every session they need a minimum of 2 images for their press release. So we are talking about 60-70 images after a session. And they need it within a few minutes...

    For that kind of pressure, it is good to have a working system. 😄

    In a nutshell this is my workflow:
    1. make a new session in C1 for the raceweekend. (imbedded in the new session are smart folders for teams and drivers)
    2. import the photos from the CF card in PhotoMechanic. The import folder is the Capture folder in your freshly made C1 Session
    3. Pick the photos you need in Photomechanic. I use color codes to pick them and sort on color code to move the non picked photos to the trash folder in your C1 session
    4. caption the picked photos. (I use Typinator to fill in the drivers names in the Description)
    5. Open C1 and the drivers are already in their smart album because the smart album is looking for driver names. You don't need to move them, because C1 is already looking in the Capture folder and is taking care of the sorting.
    6. Do your cropping, and retouching
    7. Export your smart albums and use tokens to let C1 take care of the folder naming.

    After you made a complete basic session, use File > Save as template.. to make a template Session.

    To give an answer to your first question. Drag and drop into a session.
    You don't need to drag and drop if you start your session first in C1 and import into the Capture folder in PM.

    One more tip:
    reassign the "RATE" button on your camera to "LOCKED". Then when ingesting in PM ingest only the LOCKED photos. (it is an option in the ingest menu). That way you can sort your photos on the field and you don't need to ingest everything.
  • Simon Carlton
    Your native language may not be English but you can definitely write very good English! 😊

    My workflow currently (pre capture 1) is ...

    I do rate images 'in camera' and set PM to only ingest original and locked images.

    1. Ingest RAW images to PM (folder named 'ingest') and rename also applying IPTC pad
    2. Tag good shots I want to use
    3. Drag and drop tagged shots into Lightroom
    3. Edit in LR, crop, straighten exposure etc.
    4. Export from LR to folder 'To caption', whilst exporting, the files are converted into jpeg and sized for uploading
    5. Open 'To caption' contact sheet in PM and caption accordingly. I then upload to agency.
    6. I then moved uploaded images to 'completed' folder and delete images in the 'ingest' folder to stop duplication.

    I have purchased C1 as I much prefer the converted jpeg.
    I just need to refine my workflow now.

    CI videos seem to focus on portrait and landscape, nothing on sports. 😊
    I have never heard of Typinator, have to search it.

    Thank you again for you help.
  • KlaasNorg
    Typinator is used to caption your shots. It is PM's "code replacement" on steroids. For example I type "e01" and typinator makes: "Ye Yifei #01, Josef Kaufmann Racing. Action. © 2018 Klaas Norg / Dutch Photo Agency."

    It doesn't sound complicated to make a fitting workflow for you.

    First of all I think you must stop copying photo's, moving files and make folders.

    My suggestion for Your workflow in C1/PM:

    1. Start a session in C1 until 5:05
    2. ingest in PM to the "Capture" folder C1 made. During ingest apply renaming and basic IPTC data.
    3. Tag good shots in PM with color code red (is also color code red in C1)
    4. Sort on color code in PM, so the red coded shots are first in line
    5. Caption the good shots in PM
    6. Open C1
    7. Apply a filter in C1 for the None color coded images (the ones you don't want) until 11:55
    8. Select them and "Move all selected images to the Session Trash" until 13:49
    9. Now you only got the images you want in the "Capture folder"
    10. Edit in C1, crop, straighten exposure etc.
    12. Export making use of Process recipes.

    If you got one recipe that is all. You will find your photos in the "Output folder". If you got more recepis you can make use of the token "Recipe Name" to let C1 make folders for you with the recipe name. until 50:30

    Make sure PM and C1 are using the sidecar XMP files.

    Photo Mechanic settings:

    Capture one settings:
  • Simon Carlton
    Klaas, I'm having trouble with my smart albums. I've made them with player's names and captioned them in PM but when I move the images from PM into the Capture folder nothing is happening with the smart albums. I click on one but nothing happens.

    Must be doing something wrong. 😊
  • Simon Carlton
    UPDATE: Sorted. I didn't have the settings correct in C1 for the session albums. 😄
  • Mark Pierce

    Apologies to revive a 3 year old thread, but I found this VERY helpful. I am a semi pro sports photographer as well jumping from PM6 + LR to PM6 CO20. For both Klaas and Simon, would you be willing to give an update on your workflows? Still the same as above! Great info, thank you both!


  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    As @... (or Simon Carlton) wrote, selectively chosing images in Photomechnic (or another DAM) and then dragging&dropping them to a C1 session (instead of Lightroom) would be a wonderful workflow.

    1. Ingest RAW images to PM (folder named 'ingest') and rename also applying IPTC pad
    2. Tag good shots I want to use
    3. Drag and drop tagged shots into Lightroom
    3. Edit in LR, crop, straighten exposure etc.
    4. Export from LR to folder 'To caption', whilst exporting, the files are converted into jpeg and sized for uploading
    5. Open 'To caption' contact sheet in PM and caption accordingly. I then upload to agency.
    6. I then moved uploaded images to 'completed' folder and delete images in the 'ingest' folder to stop duplication.

    For this to work with C1 on Windows, the following idea must be implemented (or better: brought back since the company broke this functionality):

    All, feel free to vote or comment this idea.


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